Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Theater or TV...Both!

Shows like the Daily Show are interesting. Do I think that they are actors and follow a script of sorts? Yep. I also think that they exaggerate issues just to cause a stir and they embarrass people on purpose. It's because of these things that I actually watch the show.

At least they add some zest to life. I don't always think that they do the best job in relaying the most important issues that are going on in the world today, but I know that going into it. I don't turn on the Daily Show expecting to get a scholarly review of political issues and debates, I turn it on to be entertained and to maybe catch an idea or two that I can research on my own time.

I think as an educated person, it's up to me to do my own research on the issues that are important to me and I don't rely on talk shows to do that. They bring up some major issues, then i go and research them and have conversations about them with people that I trust. As a public, we need to take some responsibility for the things that we watch and the information that we gather from those shows. I know which shows are "more accurate" and which shows are more for entertainments sake. It's my responsibility to know the difference.

I think Jon Stewart makes it well-known to his audience that his show doesn't encompass everything that the informed citizen should know. He doesn't claim to be the end all, be all. He does serve his purpose of entertaining [people though. Just like a theater performance, Jon and his guest have scripts that they follow and clothing that they're instructed to wear. They do and say things to entertain us because they are a business. They have people that they need to answer to and they need to do what it takes to keep the ratings up. If comedy is how they keep their ratings up, then who are we to judge them on how they earn a living?

If you don't think that shows like this should be on the air or should have more censorship or fact checking, then don't watch the shows! No one is forcing you to!

I think they do some good by addressing and calling attention to the main points in politics. The information may not always be 100% accurate, but they've called attention to it none the less.


  1. I agree. Watching these shows, we the viewers, already know it is more entertainment value and to keep our interest, rather than completely educating us on the political events within society. I think, while these shows are not completely accurate and tend to spin the truth, or exaggerate and embarrass other individuals, as you have stated, that it makes us laugh, it makes us want to investigate more on our own, and therefore, in my opinion, it is doing a good job.

    While the exaggerated facts are not completely on target with correct and factual information for us, it does allow us to further research the talking points we found most interesting. This is where I definitely agree with your statement about the public needing to be more responsibile in what they are doing on their own, and actually researching and gathering information on these topics. We have the power to listen to the shows we want, and to believe what we want. Therefore, to criticize these shows is not necessary, you simply should just not watch and tune in to the debates or shows you find most factual and therefore most beneficial for yourself.

  2. I also agree. It is most definately our responsibility to read up and learn about issues that interest/concern us rather than placing that responsibility on these sorts of television programs.

    The only issue with that is that most 'uneducated' viewers, who don't have the urge to go to a computer/book to do the further research, rely on political t.v. shows and newspapers to give them the 'facts'. From personal experience, I have family members who believe everything they hear on the news or any given political television program, newspaper, magazine, etc. They would never do their own reseach on an issue. They believe that what it aired on t.v. or printed is the truth. I'm sure a good majority of the country is the same way. This is why garbage political shows are in desperate need of reformation.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I really like how you emphasize your responsibility as a member of the public. I think that this is something we often forget about when criticizing certain news shows. What it really comes down to, like you said, is that TV networks are tailoring these shows to meet the desires of the people who watch them. While chasing ratings and money is not always an excuse for poor news coverage in my mind (I think integrity for networks is quite important), I understand why these shows operate the way they do, and that responsibility also falls on the viewers to discern what is good, objective news.

    I understand what you are saying too, Jen. Although we should not believe everything we read/see as truth, many people do it. Since the TV networks are going to continue giving the public what is popular, there will be no sudden changes there. Rather, perhaps there need to be changes within the public concerning what we view and (more importantly) how we view it.
